#1 Your Newborn

Getting to Know Your Newborn

Family with newborn

Isabelle and Nicolás are well prepared for childbirth. They attended all the classes, practiced relaxation exercises, and talked to friends who recently had babies. After learning about the amazing components of breast milk, Isabelle and Nicolás were committed to becoming a breastfeeding family. Isabelle chose at a Baby-Friendly birth center and knew all about the Baby-Friendly Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. She was looking forward to practicing skin-to-skin care, to breastfeeding immediately after birth, and to avoiding any food but breast milk. But, "WOW!" Nicolás laughs. "I couldn't believe they let us go home from the birth center without one of those nurses!"

 But the midwife prepared this young family well. Santiago latched right on, and Isabelle was comfortable breastfeeding in several positions. The parents knew that only a few drops to a teaspoon of colostrum per feeding was all the baby needed for the first day or two, until mother's milk "came in." Isabelle left the birth center knowing to call them if she experienced any pain with breastfeeding. "We're BOTH learning to breastfeed!" the new mother exclaimed. They knew what to expect, and when to call for help, until they saw their midwife again in three days.

Both parents describe the first week of Santiago’s life as the most exhilarating, miraculous, precious--and exhausting--week of their lives!

 "If Santiago could just TELL US what he wants," Isabelle laughs. "It is hard to tell what will happen next!” she says. "Are you awake or asleep? Is it time to eat, or time for a nap?" she wonders. “I worry that I won’t do the right thing for Santiago.”

Though friends, family, and professionals will help, their baby can be this mother's and father's greatest teacher! Mother has had nine months to get to know her baby inside, and now she can easily learn to read his body language. Isabelle and Nicolás will soon become the experts on their baby!

The Science: Two Skills Parents Need


 1. Read your baby’s ZONES. 

A newborn’s stages of wakefulness and sleepiness (their states, or "Zones") are still developing. This can be confusing to parents. Learning to read what "Zone" a baby is in will help a mother know when to feed her baby, when to play with him, and when to help him sleep. Babies have three “Zones”: the “Resting Zone” (the drowsy and sleeping states), the “Ready Zone” (alert and ready to eat or play), and the “Rebooting Zone” (fussing or crying).

2. See when a baby sends out an SOS (Sign of Over-Stimulation). 

All babies are at times over-stimulated, either by sensations inside their body or by sounds, sights, and temperature changes outside their body. Babies show two kinds of SOSs: body SOSs (changes in color, movement, or breathing) and behavioral changes (“Spacing Out,” “Switching Off,” and “Shutting Down”).

If a baby is born even two weeks early, wise parents realize it's especially important to be sensitive to these subtle body changes. (Watch this mother describe how she learned to read the body language of her newborn.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvvL4GBodNE

A baby's brain develops step-by-step, and in response to his environment: "I am stressed," or "I am comfortable," babies tell us. Sensitivity to a baby's body language allows his neurological system to develop optimally, so that he can take in, and learn from, the new and exciting world he has entered.

An “Ah-Ha” Moment: How the HUG information helped this family

Isabelle was surprised to see how quickly she learned to identify the “Zone” Santiago was in and to notice his SOSs. When Santiago became over-stimulated, Isabelle would put him skin to skin, quiet his surroundings, and watch him. Usually he would either move back to the "Ready Zone" to eat, or fall gently into the "Resting Zone." She found that Santiago would cry less when his parents responded early to his SOS. Now, after just two weeks, this new mother and father feel like they know how to be the parents Santiago needs!