I worry, "Am I doing everything right?"
Along with the awe & thankfulness you now feel, some worry is normal and healthy. It gives you energy & passion for the many tasks at hand.
But remember: Babies don't need perfect parents.
Babies need parents who love them and are willing to learn something new everyday!
Newborn's Amazing Abilities
Baby is born with reflexes and behaviors to help him engage with the world around him.
The rooting reflex helps baby to breast.
Baby is programmed to crave face-to-face time with parents.
Baby can say, "I'm over-stimulated" with her body and behavior.
Baby's development is from head to toe and from middle of body toward hands.
Breastfeeding tips
Your actions this week are critical to meeting your breastfeeding goals.
Baby must empty breast to make more milk.
Skipping feedings will decrease your milk supply.
Only breast milk coats baby's bowels to prevent infection.