"I'm ready to eat YOUR food!"
Signs that baby is now ready for solids: tongue thrust resolved; baby imitates others; baby sits well and reaches for parent's spoon.
Baby's "gut" has matured and is ready for solids.
Now is a perfect time to begin solids.
Beginning those first foods
Eating now is about experimenting with textures and taste and practicing tongue movement
Let baby experiment with soft-cooked foods cut or mashed into small bites
Breast milk is still baby's primary food
Ask baby's doctor what foods to begin first
Baby's got a tooth, but you can't get bitten!
If a baby is properly latched she cannot bite your nipple. She will bite her own tongue instead
When baby seems bored at the breast or finished nursing, take her off the breast
Breast milk continues to increase baby's immune system - very important now since baby is out and about in the world